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Chinese translation for "innocent third party"


Related Translations:
innocent:  adj.1.清白的;无罪的,无辜的。2.〔口语〕缺…的,无…的 (of)。3.天真无邪的;单纯的。4.头脑简单的,无知的。5.无恶意的,无害的。6.【医学】良性的。短语和例子be innocent of a crime 无罪。 An innocent child 天真的孩子。 An innocent tumour 良性瘤。 A wall innocent of paint
innocents:  无罪天使
edward innocent:  埃德华伊诺桑
innocent agent:  无辜的帮凶
innocent world:  杉本 千影
innocent omission:  无意遗漏
innocent growth:  良性瘤
innocent venus:  无罪的维纳斯原声集无罪的维纳斯主题曲
innocent bystanders:  职业杀手龙虎斗泠眼人
innocent homicide:  无辜杀人, 非故意杀人
Example Sentences:
1.The agent did not identify itself and the bank for whom it was acting when collecting debt . it kept on pestering the innocent third party for one month until after the police had found out which bank it was acting for and a complaint was lodged to the hkma against that bank
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